Every year about this time I get spring fever.
Now I'm sure I'm not the only one
But does every one want to change their complete wardrobe?

It happens to me about this time every year.
The first sunny day and I'm ready to head to my sewing room pull out all the spring fabric, go thru it. Look for more in the stores. Then no matter what I'm working on, put it on hold and sew for me.
You heard me right. FOR ME.
Not the babies. No quilting.
Just Me, Me Me.
Kind of thought this year would be different with two new granddaughters.

But not so.
It seems to be my year of dresses. I've always worn alot of skirts, But for some reason I want a change.

What Do I Do????
Go shopping of course.
First to Joanns. Then I spend hours on the web, looking for fabric.
Thank God for sales.
So as to date. I've bought 2 dresses.
Sewn one. Working on another one.
But that I'm doing are knit. And the first time I've used these patterns.
Love and I do mean love the first one.
The second one is still on the dummy.
Girls you'll have to move over its Grandma's time.

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