Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I've never been one to have too many UFO's around. Always like to finish the project to see what it looked like then move on to the next item of interest.
But that was before Blog Land.
I now have 2 snowmen redwork project I'm working on for pillows. Another one that is many colors. A table runner to quilt. Quilt to put borders on. Crayon Rolls, Sunbonnet Sue Stitchin, and of all things stated a cross stitch project this morning.
Now mind you I don't have alot of few time. But for some reason just sitting seems to be a waste of what I have.

I do think that blogging has done that to me. I can read about people, chit-chat with them from all over the world that have the same interest as I.
You see, there's very few people that I know who shares my interest. And if it involves fabric, thread or needles I seem to be intrigued by it. In the past I've always sewn clothing at this time of the year. But just can't get into it this year. I'd rather be quilting, and stitchin.
In fact today my plans or, and they can change at a drop of the hat, to work on my table runner, and of course stitch alittle.

As you can see I've added a few things to my sidebar. I'm still not as good as CootieBug at all of the add on's But its there to say the least.

You guessed it, Coffee Time.

1 comment:

  1. We share the love of sewing/quilting, coffee, and blogging (although lately I've not felt the mojo, I think it's returning in bits and pieces). Oh, and I do have many UFOs... needing to get busy here.
