Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stopping By

No big news today. I'm just stopping in to ramble.
So far this morning I've did the church books, bank deposits, drank too much coffee (nah) and screened all the morning blogs.
Now to my sewing room. You heard right. Sewing Room.
I cut out a vest from my self drafted pattern yesterday but I may put a quilt together.
Remember my mind stays all over the place.

JoAnn's opened a new store last winter in the area. Due to the downturn there was a store that closed in another area of town. They are in the process of opening there. Yesterday I heard that the first one is closing. Its not in the best part of town but that just don't make alot of sense to me. One is closing and another is opening not 20 miles away.
Its good news for me. I'm sure I'll get in on the big sale their going to have and the other store is about the same distance from me.
But now you have a hugh building that will be vacant. Kind of like Walmart.

I'm headed upstairs.
After I get another cup of coffee.

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